OK, I'm not sure why, but I woke up this morning wondering what ever happened to all the atheists. It seems like there used to be one in every group of people that gathered for conversation, especially the ever noticeable "evegelatheists", dedicated to spreading their good news of impending nothingness and pointless existence. Could it be that they have gone the way of the Dodo, (no irony intended) could they have realized the inherent pointlessness in their "faith"? I can't remember the last time I heard anyone openly admit that they believe there is no afterlife or that there is no God, god, gods, goddess, deity, spirit of nature or some form of spiritual, mystical or supernatural realm outside of where we spend our daily lives. It seems as if everyone has some sort of philosophy about the spiritual nowadays, there's plenty of folks that I have heard speak of "going to church" or at least mentioning that they "need to get back to church", but I just don't hear "there's no God, when we die there is nothing else". Perhaps it's because we (as Americans) have become so complacent, P.C., and post modern that we can not commit to the immense stubbornness and rebelliousness it takes to say "my life is meaningless and everything that I am and do has no point".
I really don't know, perhaps I'm just not listening close enough to realize they are still out there, who knows. I just found that a strange thing to wake up wondering about.
Mange Maize!-g
The unfortunate Case of David NOT Slaying Goliath
10 years ago
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