So I happened to be casually listening to NPR on my way home from work and as they breeze through a story about cloned animals. The premise was this, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has decided that meat, milk and eggs from cloned animals is safe for human consumption, however, they do not want any cloned products put on the market yet, due to numerous debates over the whole ethics of cloning issue. I don't doubt that cloned animals can provide safe food per Se, but why do we even need to clone animals for food to begin with? Oh wait, I know, because we think that we are God! (yeah I brought the big "G" into it!) First we selectively breed animals to obtain the best possible offspring (shootin craps in hopes of better tasting beef or a prettier puppy), once we got that down we decided to skip the whole intercourse part and go for artificial insemination so we could have more control (I think it was so somebody could "get with" their animals w/out looking like a pervert), finally we have moved on to taking our favorite "specimen" and recreating it's exact duplicate through strict scientific exercise. Everything in our control, the way we think it should be regardless of what millions of years of evolution has done. (yes God & evolution can coexist without destroying each other).
As for the FDA and their brilliant deduction that cloned animal products are safe for human consumption, these are the same people who allow countless medications to be rushed onto the market only to have to remove them later for being to dangerous for human consumption. Furthermore, the FDA says that they do not have the authority to require marking cloned food products as such so that people who do not want to purchase them can identify the "frankenfoods". So if they don't have the authority to require special labeling, then why do they have the authority to say that the product is safe? Hmmmm? Sounds like somebody has some deep pockets gettin filled.
Eat yer Corn!-g
The unfortunate Case of David NOT Slaying Goliath
10 years ago
1 comment:
I dont agree with cloning of anything. What we have is what we get. and that should be plenty. And will chicken still taste like its been drug across the crap filled pen its raised in or will it taste like fresh killed bunny? so now the phrase will have to more tastes like chicken. now it will be tastes like? You fill in the blank.
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