Other possible titles for this one were
-KFC vs. McD's, a Whole Foods Smackdown! OR
-"Mommy, What's a Chicken Bone?"
With cultural roots in Punk & Hardcore, I had to give a nod to the Dead Kennedy's and borrow a title from them, thanks Jello!
Convenience-it has replaced virtually every major (and minor) religion, every vice and addiction (or at least tied itself to current ones). Everywhere we look, there is some sort of convenience to be purchased or somehow attained, usually at a convenient price and in a convenient package. Everything is about speeding up, quick fixes and immediate gratification. Hell, even if you hear about something selling "slowness" it has to be presented in a convenient package just to get some attention.
Why the other titles if this is about convenience? well that will take a couple of inconvenient installments I'm afraid, but first I'll begin with the "KFC vs McD's, a Whole Foods Smackdown". This is really a study on the way that "Business" has made so-called-food more convenient. I decided to pick two large companies in the U.S. fast food chain business even though they have slightly different genres and compare their menus. The McDominant "business" has a very limited number of items that are remotely recognizable as once being whole foods. The easiest to recognize would be the lettuces, tomato slices, diced onion and even the pickle slices that adorn their numerous "burgers" which are only assumed to be food because the art of grinding muscle into paste is such a part of American and immigrant food history (hamburger, hot dogs, sausages, salumi, meatloaf, etc.) Beyond these few items, the menu gets more blurry, especially the closer you get to the chicken nuggets. However, if you take a trip down the street to see the Colonel at the "Business formerly known as Kentucky Fried Chicken", there are some of those same items as well as a few others. Cole slaw has some slightly recognizable bits of carrot and cabbage (actual nutritive vegetables!), they have CORN in it's natural form, on the cob!(this is really a breakthrough nowadays) and the jewel in the crown, in my opinion at least, they have chicken, not just whole pieces of boneless skinless flavorless muscle strands but actual chicken, white AND dark meat and it's ON THE BONE! That is Fucking amazing! Especially if you consider that this "Business" changed from a respectable name that described them by regional origin(Kentucky), cooking style(Fried) and food type(Chicken) to a dumbed down, virtually illiterate, nondisclosure mystery title -KFC- Although I'm sure they would never admit to thinking of their customers as uneducated, attention deficit, morons (KFC is shorter & more convenient to say). At least they are still serving food that, although much of it has given way to speed and convenience, still can be recognized as something that once belonged to the food chain.
Now this really only opens the door to the whole subject of food with bones (a new American Taboo) but I'll continue with that next time, I have to, boneless chicken wings are a pet peeve of mine. Until then,
Eat your corn!-g
The unfortunate Case of David NOT Slaying Goliath
10 years ago
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