Saturday, December 6, 2008

A fart by any other name would smell just as sweet...

As you may notice, I have changed the name of my blog. I think I have made a fairly decent argument that our western foods are in a downward spiral from their growing practices to the nutrition education to the obvious health problems caused by both. I have decided on the new title to more aptly describe the "happy yammerings" that I will put forth from now on. I will likely continue to regurgitate on many things food oriented, however, I will (as I already have) also be illuminating an array of other subjects such as the detestable snowfall happening outside at this moment, or anything else that comes to mind and happens to spill forth from my mouth like some kind of verbal bulimia (nice imagery huh?). Until I arrive at my next moment of inspiration, I bid you all good corn eating.

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