Oh my god! Are you Fucking kidding me?! Pizza Hut just came out with "The Natural" (I need to stop watching TV and paying attention), multigrain crust, all natural pepperoni, all natural mozzarella cheese and all natural sauce made from vine ripened tomatoes. OK, the multigrain crust is definitely new, but the other "all Natural" toppings? What the hell were they putting on it before?!
This is the kind of bullshit market schemes that we're not supposed to pay attention to, we're just supposed to go- "Oh hey, that sounds great! I can have pizza and feel good about it." We're never supposed to think- "hmmm, what's in their regular pizzas? I should check into that?" Which by the way you can not do on their website, you can see what "toppings" they offer but not the ingredients that go into those toppings. Remember, this is the modern age, just because you buy cut up red pepper doesn't mean the only ingredient is red pepper, and tomato sauce may have things in it that a Harvard scholar can't even pronounce.
Now if you want REAL pizza with REAL FOOD ingredients you should make your own or if you're in Columbus, Ohio you can check out Stoned Pizza (http://www.stonedpizzacafe.biz/), they are doing it right, fresh, whole ingredients baked old school-brick oven style. I'm sure there are plenty of other options available as well, but I warn you, you will have to pay a little more for it. It does after all cost money to grow and harvest food, noticeably more than it costs to concoct a formula of chemicals that simply resemble food. That reminds me, if you really want to have a difficult conversation with an child, don't start talking about drugs or sex, instead try explaining the culinary conundrum of Velveeta or American Cheese Food. I went around for fifteen minutes with my eight year old and neither of us could unravel the mysteries-"they call it cheese food because it's not really cheese but it's kind of like cheese but not really..." But I digress. The point is, don't just watch, listen and pay attention, especially if you really want to eat better and healthier because the businesses don't care about you or what you need, they just want you to believe that they are selling you a better product, even when they're not. If they cared about what people needed they wouldn't continue to sell foods laden with chemicals and preservatives after they began to sell their so-called Natural products. Also, don't be fooled by the buzz words they have learned to exploit such as "Organic", just because it's organic doesn't mean it's really any better, hell I saw "Organic pancake and waffle batter" in a fucking aerosol can the other day, I mean c'mon really?! I guess it doesn't matter as long as in the end, we're still eating corn. Yea Iowa!
This is the kind of bullshit market schemes that we're not supposed to pay attention to, we're just supposed to go- "Oh hey, that sounds great! I can have pizza and feel good about it." We're never supposed to think- "hmmm, what's in their regular pizzas? I should check into that?" Which by the way you can not do on their website, you can see what "toppings" they offer but not the ingredients that go into those toppings. Remember, this is the modern age, just because you buy cut up red pepper doesn't mean the only ingredient is red pepper, and tomato sauce may have things in it that a Harvard scholar can't even pronounce.
Now if you want REAL pizza with REAL FOOD ingredients you should make your own or if you're in Columbus, Ohio you can check out Stoned Pizza (http://www.stonedpizzacafe.biz/), they are doing it right, fresh, whole ingredients baked old school-brick oven style. I'm sure there are plenty of other options available as well, but I warn you, you will have to pay a little more for it. It does after all cost money to grow and harvest food, noticeably more than it costs to concoct a formula of chemicals that simply resemble food. That reminds me, if you really want to have a difficult conversation with an child, don't start talking about drugs or sex, instead try explaining the culinary conundrum of Velveeta or American Cheese Food. I went around for fifteen minutes with my eight year old and neither of us could unravel the mysteries-"they call it cheese food because it's not really cheese but it's kind of like cheese but not really..." But I digress. The point is, don't just watch, listen and pay attention, especially if you really want to eat better and healthier because the businesses don't care about you or what you need, they just want you to believe that they are selling you a better product, even when they're not. If they cared about what people needed they wouldn't continue to sell foods laden with chemicals and preservatives after they began to sell their so-called Natural products. Also, don't be fooled by the buzz words they have learned to exploit such as "Organic", just because it's organic doesn't mean it's really any better, hell I saw "Organic pancake and waffle batter" in a fucking aerosol can the other day, I mean c'mon really?! I guess it doesn't matter as long as in the end, we're still eating corn. Yea Iowa!