This really has nothing to do with food, but not everything I have written so far is edible oriented anyhow. Since everything we hear or see lately has to do with either the economy or the presidential election, I figured I might as well jump on the band wagon and put my two cents in. "Change", possibly the most overused word in the campaign of both Obama and McCain, and probably used just as emptily by both. Something I have noticed this year more than others, there are only two options for the next president, or so the media would make it seem. Not once have I heard mention of any other candidates that are running, nor have I heard mention of any other parties that exist aside from the Republicans and the Democrats. I think it's an unfortunate shame that we are given so little information by or "media", that we can not rely on what we hear or see on the news to inform us of anything of real importance.
I agree with one thing that I keep hearing, "we need a change!" I however don't honestly believe that either of the same two parties that have consistently been in power in this country will ever bring any true "change". There are other options out there, just because you have registered as a member of a certain party doesn't mean you have to vote for that party, they won't come to your house and beat you up.
If you really want a change, vote outside of the box! Actually look at some of the candidates that aren't being advertised by the media like the latest car model. OR, if you really can't decide, don't just point and shoot, but go with none of the above! Remember in school when you didn't see the correct answer on a multiple choice, "non of the above" was the correct answer to choose. besides, on a selfish note, I'd really like to see what would happen if the majority voted for no one, it couldn't be any worse than what we've been getting. After all, with our economy the way it is, we're really just buying time until China takes charge of their property anyhow.
The unfortunate Case of David NOT Slaying Goliath
10 years ago
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